Taiwan's Democratic Progress

During her two terms as President of the ROC, Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen presided over advancements in the country's democratic institutions, fostering a thriving liberal democracy. Taiwan's democratic environment flourished, underpinned by effective governance and high levels of civic engagement. These achievements earned Taiwan high scores in "functioning of government" and "political participation" on The Economist Intelligence Unit's 2023 Democracy Index, propelling it to 10th position globally from its rank of 33rd in 2016.

Taiwan's democratic resilience was displayed through the successful handling of the COVID-19 pandemic under President Tsai's leadership. The government's transparency, accountability, and swift response demonstrated the strength of Taiwan's democratic foundations, showcasing the benefits of a well-functioning democracy in times of crisis.This achievement underscored the importance of an engaged citizenry in facing national challenges.

President Tsai's commitment to fostering an inclusive political environment has been evident in the high levels of civic engagement in Taiwan. With impressive voter turnout and growing gender equality in the legislature, Taiwan's democracy stands out for its robust levels of participation. In 2019, Taiwan made history by becoming the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage, further demonstrating its commitment to equality and inclusivity. Recognizing the importance of safeguarding the rights of indigenous peoples, President Tsai has also worked diligently to preserve their languages, cultures, and land rights, reflecting her dedication to building an equitable society.

President Tsai Ing-wen's leadership has not only strengthened Taiwan's democratic institutions but also positioned the country as a testament to what a determined practitioner of democracy, characterized by good governance and transparency, can achieve.

Bringing Taiwan Closer to the World, and the World Closer to Taiwan

Under President Tsai’s leadership, Taiwan experienced a surge in international recognition and support, particularly from major democratic powers such as the United States, Japan and many in Europe. President Tsai utilized Taiwan’s democratic values to champion liberty globally and, rallie allies to safeguard Taiwan’s democracy and strengthen security, fostering a sense of solidarity among freedom-loving nations and unprecedented support for Taiwan's cause on the global stage. 

President Tsai pursued multilateral engagement to promote Taiwan's interests and values. This include participation in regional forums and multilateral initiatives, such as the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, where Taiwan has sought to contribute constructively to regional cooperation and economic development.

​​President Tsai also sought to strengthen strategic alliances with key partners, particularly the United States and like-minded democracies in the Indo-Pacific region. The robust Taiwan-US relationship was highlighted by substantial arms sales and military assistance to Taiwan. In 2022, US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan, the highest-level US official visit in 25 years, reaffirming U.S. support for Taiwan's democracy.

In 2021, the G7 Foreign Ministers' communiqué emphasized the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, demonstrating increased international concern for Taiwan's security. These developments highlight the significant strengthening of Taiwan's international standing during President Tsai's tenure.

Economic Growth and Transformation

Under President Tsai's leadership, Taiwan emerged as a global economic powerhouse, marked by adaptability and innovation. President Tsai's strategic policies and bold initiatives propelled Taiwan onto the international stage as a beacon of economic resilience.

President Tsai's economic agenda, epitomized by the 5+2 Innovative Industries policy, has ushered in a transformative era for Taiwan's industrial landscape. With heavy investments in sectors such as the internet of things, biomedical, freen energy, smart machinery, defense, high-value agriculture, and the circular economy, Taiwan has witnessed sustainable growth and job creation. Her strategic investments, notably in the semiconductor industry through initiatives like the AI Taiwan Plan 2.0, underscore her commitment to driving innovation and technological advancement.

President Tsai's Forward-looking Infrastructure Programm fortified Taiwan's economy, enhancing its adaptability and resilience. Notably, renewable energy capacity surged by 3.8 times since 2016, with wind and solar energy experiencing a remarkable seven-fold increase.

Taiwan's GDP grew nearly 39percent from 2016 to 2023, averaging an impressive 3.1 percent annually and reaching a record 6.62 percent growth in 2021. Taiwan's GDP reached nearly USD $760 billion in 2023. Additionally, trade between Taiwan and the US has increased by 85 percent over the past six years, solidifying Taiwan's position as the eighth-largest trading partner of the US and reinforcing its global economic standing.

Taiwan's remarkable economic performance is reflected in its high rankings in global economic indices such as the Heritage Foundation's Index of Economic Freedom and the IMD Global Competitiveness Ranking, ranking fourth and sixth respectively in these indices.

Advancing Social Welfare

Under President Tsai's leadership, Taiwan reaffirmed its commitment to diversity, equality, and social welfare through collaborative efforts with civic society. Initiatives such as judicial reform and the establishment of health and social safety nets underscored Taiwan's evolution as a resilient democracy.

President Tsai's emphasis on enhancing Taiwan's healthcare and disease prevention has helped address challenges posed by population aging and infectious diseases. Through collaboration and investment in vaccine and drug development, Taiwan aims to ensure healthier lives and top-notch care for its citizens.

These initiatives reflect President Tsai's dedication to promoting a fair and prosperous society for all Taiwanese.

Safeguarding Taiwan’s Sovereignty

Under President Tsai's steadfast leadership, Taiwan fortified its defense and security measures, placing utmost importance on safeguarding sovereignty and fostering regional stability. This strategic approach included a comprehensive focus on enhancing military readiness and modernization, exemplified by the reinstatement of one-year mandatory military service for eligible males starting in 2024.

Through augmented defense budgets and strategic investments in cutting-edge weaponry, cyber defense systems, and personnel training, Taiwan bolstered its deterrence capabilities to effectively counter potential threats. Notably, Taiwan achieved a significant milestone with the unveiling of its domestically produced submarine in late 2023, marking a momentous advancement in its defense capabilities.

President Tsai was a vocal advocate for regional stability and cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region, actively fostering relations with neighboring countries and engaging in multilateral security dialogues to promote collective security measures.